Learn How to Use Natural Materials in your DIY Upholstery Project

Watch these videos and download worksheets that will help you make accurate calculations for how much of each material to buy for your project.


Slip-seat dining chair example.

The seat is upholstered using natural latex foam, wool batting and organic cotton ticking fabric:

Download the FREE plans for the DIY Dining Chair Upholstery Project.


Choosing the right firmness.

Determining the best firmness for your latex foam can be a challenge. Here are some tips to get you started:

Note that firmnesses mentioned in the video are subject to change. See the latest update of available firmnesses at this post: Choosing Latex Firmness for Upholstery.


Measuring your cushion.

Two ways to measure an existing cushion to determine size of replacement foam.

Download the free worksheet ‘How to Measure Your Cushion for New Latex Foam’.


Know the dimensions of the materials you are working with.

Dimensions of natural upholstery materials are different than conventional materials. Learn the difference:

Links mentioned in the video: How Much Does it CostFree project materials calculation worksheet

Note: Availability of specific natural materials mentioned in the video & worksheet are subject to change. See the latest update on availability on the Natural Upholstery Resources page. Also, firmnesses mentioned in the video & worksheet are subject to change. See the latest update of available firmnesses at this post: Choosing Latex Firmness for Upholstery. Thank you!


Know Your Battings.

When it comes to natural battings, many people confuse cotton batting and wool batting. Watch this video to learn the difference, and where to use each in your project:


Ticking fabric protects your investment.

Wool fibers have properties that can cause unsightly ‘pilling’ in over time. See close-ups illustrating this problem, and two ways to stitch the solution.


How much does natural latex foam weigh?

Natural latex foam weighs a lot more than ‘standard’ urethane upholstery foams. This video shows you (in a kinda slapstick style) how difficult it can be to handle a large piece of latex by yourself. You’ll also learn a handy formula for calculating how much a given size of latex cushion will weigh.


Premium Wool Batting.

This video shows how an 84-inch wide, 20 yard long roll of wool is unrolled and cut into manageable lengths, while sharing some fun facts.

To learn more about the wool, where it comes from, and how it’s produced, see the post: All About Wool Batting for Natural Upholstery.


Begin with a working knowledge of the functions of surface-wrap battings.

+ tips for working with wool batting:


Calculate how much wool batting you need for your upholstery project.

Download the free worksheet: How to Measure Your Cushion for Wool Batting.


How to book-wrap your cushion with wool batting.


Two ways to secure wool batting around a latex cushion core – without glue.


Three methods for cutting latex foam for upholstery.


Note: Availability of specific natural materials mentioned in the above videos & worksheets are subject to change. We are no longer selling materials. Please see Vendors of Natural Upholstery Materials for resources.