A Home Health Resource

Toxic-free tips from Debra Lynn Dadd

Debra Lynn Dadd

It’s really more than just Toxic-free Tips from Debra Lynn Dadd. What you’ll find on her website is a comprehensive resource. Debra Lynn Dadd first appeared on my radar in 2009, though I’m sure I had seen her books well before then. At that time, I was working in a furniture-building capacity with an eye to health, and she was continuing her long-standing work (dating back to the 1980’s) helping people overcome the serious health effects of toxins in our home environments. Her story is rooted in her own struggle with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities as a young woman.

Toxic Free Radio

Debra is widely known as “The World’s Leading Expert on Toxic-Free Products”. In her ‘Toxic Free Radio’ interviews, she talks with experts about harmful chemicals found in interiors, in cleaning products, and (my particular interest) in textiles & furniture.

In her nearly 400 interviews, you can listen to a wide range of experts’ experiences and learn about consumer products, including tried-and-true practical solutions to the poisons found in our indoor environments. The interviews are rich with information and resources to help you build a healthy home for your family. Here are two of my favorite episodes, though you may want to peruse the line-up of interviewees yourself to choose from a diverse array of interests:

More Info

Curious about flame retardants in your furniture? Here’s some info to get you started.

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